Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Joe Paterno Must Step Down Immediately...

As macabre as it may sound, I always thought Joe Paterno would die on the football field. Not because it's something I wanted to see, it's because the man is hellbent on staying on the field forever—for ever how long “forever” turns out to be. Even at the 84 years of age, there is no modicum of a succession plan at Penn State and no signs that Paterno would retire willingly. The operative word being, “willingly.” In fact, the Penn State coaching situation rather ominously mirrored Al Davis' stranglehold on the Oakland Raiders. But none of these trivialities matter any more...

As I write this the Internet, television and radio sports media are all abuzz on the topic of Joe Paterno. I'm neither Penn State alum nor a fan of the Penn State football program. That said, as a parent and citizen I am incensed at the recent string of “revelations.” At last count and at the time of this writing, there are nine individuals (and counting) who have come forward regarding the actions of Jerry Sandusky's alleged sexual predator behavior. What has me fuming is the number of people within the Penn State organization who appear to be quite content to hide behind the fact that they reported the incident(s) up the food chain and that was considered “sufficient” action on their part. Chief among those is Joe Paterno.

So let's say for the sake of argument that they did all that was legally required. Call me crazy, but if I know an (alleged) pedophile is among my co-workers and he's bringing kids to the office (or in Joe's context, to practice), I'm calling the authorities. Immediately. No chain of command. No due process. It takes a village and I'm looking out for the best interest of the kids. Period.

Joe Paterno is Penn State. He's an institution. I get it. But everyone must answer to someone. And whoever that someone is needs to handle this in the only outcome that makes sense: Paterno needs to resign. Since that hasn't happened, someone—Athletic Director, University President, whomever—needs to suggest that he do so. Immediately.

Like so many, I'm giving Paterno the benefit of the doubt that he did what was required legally. In ancient Japan, such a public epiphany would invoke shame and hari-kari. No, I'm not suggesting Joe Pa' commit suicide—although it can be argued pretty strongly that Joe has already committed career suicide. 400+ wins is meaningless. Morally, Joe has failed to live up to the standard of being the quintessential caretaker of young people that he has made himself out to be. Winning a football game will NEVER be more important than protecting the innocence of a child. And making any argument to downplay that fact is even more appalling than Joe's lack of action.

I know it goes against everything you know, Joe, but you need to quit. Stop thinking about coaching the game Saturday and worrying about your legacy. University be damned. Hold your own damn conference! Quit now. Show some dignity and be gone. Show O.J. how it should have been done: Just disappear. Go away and allow those who need to heal to not be distracted by the circus that was then (and is now) your inaction. We don't need you on ESPN as a commentator. We don't need to see running up and down the Penn State sideline. We don't need to read your memoirs. Frankly, we don't need to hear anything you have to say. Joe Paterno, You Must Step Down Immediately...Do Not Pass “Go”...Do Not Coach Another Football Game. Period.

'Nough Said,

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